
目前顯示的是 2009的文章

GUID 磁碟分割表 (GPT)

Windows XP 64 位元版 與 Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 的 64 位元版,支援新的磁碟分割樣式:GPT。 GPT 與主開機記錄 (MBR) 分割磁碟不同,GPT 是把對平台操作十分重要的資料置於磁碟分割中,而不是置於未分割或隱藏的磁區。此外,GPT 分割磁碟有多餘的主要及備份磁區表,以確保改善的磁區資料結構的完整性。在 windows xp 的環境執行 diskpart 的程式做清除就可以了, 在[執行]裡打 diskpart 後, 會進入 console 畫面, 然後出現 DISKPART> 後, 先查看你所有磁碟編號, 輸入 list disk, 就會列出你電腦上的所有磁碟, 選擇你要修改的磁碟, 假設是 disk 1, 就輸入 select disk 1 來選擇磁碟#1, 然後再輸入 clean, 就可以清除該磁碟, 然後你就可以用磁碟管理工具


http://blog.monkeypotion.net/gameprog/advanced/lua-based-gui-system-from-commercial-game http://blog.monkeypotion.net/gameprog/advanced/lua-based-gui-system



Bluetooth Low Energy

http://www.bluetooth.com/Bluetooth/Products/More_about_emBluetoothem_low_energy_technology.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth_low_energy 可以用來取代 ANT / ZigBee ,又可以跟目前一般Bluetooth互連。 Nordic即將推出solution. http://www.nordicsemi.com/index.cfm?obj=menu&act=displayMenu&men=83

Change windows class name

You will not be able to change window class "on the fly" (at the runtime). At least I am not aware how to do it. If you need different class name for FindWindow, you will have to change your dialog window class, you will have to do it before dialog is created; furthermore you will have to change resource for that dialog by editing it manually. First, open resource file as text (it is regular ASCI scrypt) and add line: STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU EXSTYLE WS_EX_APPWINDOW CAPTION "Dialog" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" CLASS "NewDialogClass" You must register this class without changing dialog’s procedure. The best way to do it is in InitInstance of the app before DoModal is created. Add following code (#32770 is the system class for all dialogs): WNDCLASS wc; ::GetClassInfo(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), "#32770", &wc); // Change the name of the class. wc.lpszClassName = "NewDialogClass"; // Regis...

Qt's kinetic-scrolling

http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2008/11/15/flick-list-or-kinetic-scrolling/ 想找一個更好的方法來做動力學卷動 ,找到這篇. 看了一下,不愧是Qt的作者,寫的真好!

HTC Hero

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKTDSfbcbBU&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egoogle%2Ecom%2Etw%2Freader%2Fview%2F%3Ftab%3Dmy&feature=player_embedded 還不錯耶,手腳真的很快!


http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/GeoClue Geoclue is a modular geoinformation service built on top of the  D-Bus  messaging system. The goal of the Geoclue project is to make creating location-aware applications as simple as possible. Geoclue is Free Software, licensed under  GNU LGPL . It is developed for Linux, but should be portable to any platform that uses D-Bus. Geoclue defines a set of geoinformation APIs, but it also includes some  providers  that implement those APIs. Here is a list of services provided through Geoclue with the currently included implementations:


http://www.xmlsoft.org/ 本來寫給Gnome用的XML C parser. 不過被Porting在很多平台,Apple也用。


Thread0Caching Malloc 聽說效率非常好,Apple也拿來用了說。 http://goog-perftools.sourceforge.net/doc/tcmalloc.html


可以省掉找尾巴的步驟。 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1055 RFC 中 包含 reference code - 用 C 寫的,send, rcv.




今天發了封信給Qt Qt隨即回了封自動信給我,大概的意思就是由於最近宣佈LGPL的關係,詢問信件如雪片般飛來,希望我耐心等候回復。 看來LGPL才是王道,人之常情,總要有飯吃才會想到分享這回事嘛!