
目前顯示的是 1月, 2013的文章

make file for RIPS java files

Because RIPS java code have following compile error: package xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx does not exist So I try to clone makefile rule from "/opt/tinyos-1.x/tools/java/Makefile.include" I do following steps: 1. copy Makefile , Makefile.include into "/opt/tinyos-1.x/contrib/vu/tools/java" 2. copy "jni" directory into   "/opt/tinyos-1.x/contrib/vu/tools/java" 3. Edit Makefile to fit current directory environment "SUBDIRS = isis net jni"

DSLR video 收音經驗

這次上山有透過下面設備拍攝: CANON EOS 60D + EF-S 17-55 F2.8 熱靴架ZOOM H2N連接音源線錄音 得到下面的心得: 1. 連接音源線後CANON的收音確實比較好,但會有忘記開機H2N的問題,造成影片完全沒有收到音(改善:還是先不要接音源線互接,最差至少還有CANON本身麥克風可以有聲音) 2. 行進間,ZOOM H2N會收到碰撞音,看來是因為架在CANON上的關係(改善:ZOOM H2N行進間拍攝不宜跟CANON以熱靴把在一起,應該分開來,目前的計畫是,掛在腳架上,插在背包後面收音,盡量避免收到機器碰撞的聲音。(靜態錄影就不擔心)) 3. 會收到光學房手震的聲音(改善:不用熱靴後應該可以避免此問題,用熱靴時,要記得關掉防手震) 4. 連接音源線進CANON的GAIN值部分真的太高了,造成爆音(改善:同第一點改善方式) 這次收音部分很多問題,但得失心還是不要太重,應該還是可以透過後製彌補回來,另外下山接風的部份就依照新的方式進行拍攝吧,應該就比較不會有大問題了。

『浪人劍客』 從 java 到 python/django 的一些資源

http://techblog.insureme.com.tw/2011/09/java-pythondjango.html 寫了一些python跟django的心得,跟一些建議的資源

What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies - Instagram Engineering

What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies - Instagram Engineering : "For Python error reporting, we use Sentry, an awesome open-source Django app written by the folks at Disqus. At any given time, we can sign-on and see what errors are happening across our system, in real time. " 'via Blog this'


"網路購物進口關稅"問題大解答 - 山行者豪哥 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格 : 'via Blog this'

Paper for iPad vs. MICROSOFT COURIER

http://bgr.com/2012/03/29/paper-for-ipad-shows-us-what-the-microsoft-courier-could-have-been-video/ That's the reason why they have the same DNA.

Oracle Java Archive

from Java SE 1.1 to latest Java SE6 JDK. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/archive-139210.html

About javax.comm package in WinXP

I am trying to let " javax.comm " work under windows XP.  But it seems doesn't work properly. Any ideas? related websites:  TinyOS 1.x Installation on Windows XP