try to solve TinyOS 1.x java compile problem
It appears "package javax.comm does not exist" error when I try to javac "/opt/tinyos-1.x/tools/java/net/tinyos/mcenter" folder.
TODO List:
I need to find solution!
1. check if javax.comm setup correctly!?
I try to setup javax.comm under WinXP again(with JDK 1.1.6).
According to following installation guide "Javacomm20-win32/commapi/PlatformSpecific.html" I installed. And BlackBox can run. the sample code "SimpleRead" and "SimpleWrite" also can work.
PS. When you want to run .java file. You need set folder that have .java files into "CLASSPATH".
Next try. setup javax.comm under WinXP (with JDK 1.5)
It shows following error ""No serial ports found!" when run BlackBox. (Solved)
TODO List:
- 直接找RIPS作者看看有沒有Virtual Machine Image.
- C compile error的部份,問問看forum是否有人有解答